What is a Journey Guardian?

Trust in your life and why you are here, trust in this moment. Live your truth and purpose of what you were born. Bring about your way of life you desire. We will hold you as you remember your light. Let’s find the way home to your source of pure being together.

Play and pray your own way

For us, ceremony is medicine, and ceremony is any activity carried out with heartfelt attention and intention. An activity which speaks deeply to one person may not speak as deeply to others, and that is exactly why diversity in the way we play and pray is the key to understanding, acceptance and connection, with yourself, and others.

Why smudge?

Clear your body, mind and spirit. Smudging is a deep, tribal metaphysical cleansing that is used for cleansing and promoting health. A ritual purification. A spiritual practice. It clears the energy.

A Mother’s Blessing

A Mother’s Blessing is a uniquely curated ceremony to bless the beautiful mother-to-be as she brings through a new soul. This is a rite of passage to motherhood passed down from generation to generation and celebrates the pregnancy and becoming a mother.