Vehicle of Light

Embedded within tetrahedron sacred geometry is the incredible power of every individual to activate divine consciousness and bring greater spiritual meaning to the world.



Sacred geometry gives meaning to particular geometric shapes and proportions and is attributed to a greater cosmic intelligence. These fundamental shapes clarify how things function.

Platonic solids are the base forms of every natural being. The tetrahedron is the first and principle of the 5 Platonic solids and acts the as a gateway into deeper realms of spiritual practice. No single face on the tetrahedron covers more surface than any other other, and each face can be the base or repositioned to be the apex. It is perfectly symmetrical and balanced.

On our spiritual journey, we can draw on the metaphysical qualities of the tetrahedron for balance and stability. Within the form, there is a protected space where only good energy can survive and flourish. “It is a safe place to store intentions and spiritual knowledge until it is ready to be shared.”

“A sacred geometric icon on a background of stars and space. Sacred geometry is the belief that certain shapes prove that God created the universe according to a geometric plan.”

Energy is drawn from the base, combining in the centre, and then the rising to the point at the top. We are able to direct this energy from the top point towards someone needing a divine message.

The model of a fire tetrahedron explains combustion. It allows us to visually see the balance of fuel, heat and oxygen that come together to create the spark that ignites fire.

The tetrahedron meaning fills the solar plexus energy centre with personal passion, power and drive. “Tetrahedron sacred geometry opens our mind, body, and spirit to embrace our spiritual intentions and apply our individual gifts to a greater purpose. The tetrahedron establishes a base relationship in which you and your spiritual guides and manifestations connect to the divine to create magnificent, transcendent energy. It helps us establish our role in the greater spiritual project to impart wisdom and consciousness in the world.”


This is why we use it as a symbol of our sacred vibes, representing our intention to activate the divine through our song. 


 In loving service

Graywolf small BLACK
Moondancer small BLACK
Picture of crowcircus
