Beautifully Dying [fledgling version] – #song
This is an acoustic demo we recorded last year; fledgling is the term for a baby crow at the age when it first leaves the nest and learns to fly...
As The Crow Flies [fledgling version] – #song
This is an acoustic demo we recorded last year; fledgling is the term for a baby crow at the age when it first leaves the nest and learns to fly...
Free to Be [fledgling version] – #song
This is an acoustic demo we recorded last year; fledgling is the term for a baby crow at the age when it first leaves the nest and learns to fly.
All You Are [fledgling version] – #song
This is an acoustic demo we recorded last year; fledgling is the term for a baby crow at the age when it first leaves the nest and learns to fly.
Down the river [fledgling version]-#song
This is an acoustic demo we recorded last year; fledgling is the term for a baby crow at the age when it first leaves the nest and learns to fly.
Home #song
Through ceremony we connect with our ancestors and reclaim lost aspects of self. This song has come through to support this process. Welcome home, where you belong...
Welcome to the Pudiverse
Dive into the Pudiverse and grab your self a unique wearable art piece...x
Home #divinedesign
May this design remind you that you are always home when you are connected to, and grateful for, whatever is sacred to you...x
Down the River #divinedesign
May this design enhance your ability to cherish what glides and flows for you and to release that which blocks and drags...x
Thank You, I Love You #divinedesign
May this design inspire you to share your gratitude and open heart with your self, others, and the world. Thank you my loves, for all you are…x
Pray & Play Your Own Way #divinedesign
May this design expand your capacity for understanding, acceptance and connection. Respecting everybody's sovereign right to pray & play their own way…x
Ceremony is Medicine #divinedesign
May this design enhance your ability to imbue every act, no matter how mundane, with the boundless magic of your presence. With in-tention and at-tention, we open this ceremony…x
OneSoul #divinedesign
May this design support you as you explore and celebrate your life as a unique expression of a unified, infinite bliss bomb. We all share...OneSoul...x
as the Crow Flies #divinedesign
May this design enhance your ability to keep your heart set on your goals, while always remaining in flow, free to swoop down and collect some shiny things along the way...x
A daily ritual gesture
This powerful morning mudra meets the new day with a full body check-in, breathing our gratitude, intention and attention into every fibre of our being.
Attend to your set & setting
We prepare for any transformative experience by taking care of set and setting.
Connecting to our sacred rhythm
So many ways our lives are influenced by the cycles of the stars and planets. Let's explore a few, shall we...?
Let the altars shine
This is an invitation to create an altar dedicated to play and pray every day. Our altar is our power point---the sacred centre of our ceremonial space.
I invite fire to dance
I love honouring the magic and medicines of the beautiful honey bees by making ceremonial beeswax candles as gifts.
Dream Weaving
Sharing my profound experience of Active dreaming and honouring the amazing people who shared this gift with me.
Play and pray your own way
An activity which speaks deeply to one person may not speak as deeply to others, and that is exactly why diversity in the way we play and pray is the key to understanding, ...
Reflections – Gratitude for Sacred Connections
A gallery of pics from across some of the amazing ceremonial events we have hosted over the years. Deep gratitude to everyone involved, powerful facilitators and courageous participants - Thank you, we love ...
Why smudge?
Smudging is a deep, tribal, metaphysical cleansing that is used for clearing energy and promoting health. A ritual purification and a spiritual practice.
Goodness Gracious Granola
Gee Whiz! Generating a gift which gushes love is a truly gorgeous gesture…so I set about making the greatest grandest granola to gift all the groovy genepools we work with. GG
Bringing our higher selves to work
We have created and hosted some amazing bespoke ceremonial corporate events that draw on all our ceremonial experience. Here is a look at some of the key elements that make up these events...
Connecting to the elements
Here is an opening prayer and process we use to deeply connect with all the elements in our selves and in the world around us. Adapt it to suit your own sacred practice...
Every Day #song
Don't forget to play, every day, every single day. Don't listen to what they say, pray your own way, every day, every single day...
Journaling is medicine
To journal is to journey within. It is a way of expressing and releasing how we are thinking and more importantly, how we are feeling...
Is your workspace alive?
If we nurture our workspace, we nurture, and bring energy to, our work.
Preparation for ceremony
Some simple steps to prepare yourself for a ceremony of any kind.
A moment of silence
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month we observe a minute of prayer, where we remove our hats, and bow our heads in reverence and respect for those ...
A Mother’s Blessing
A Mother’s Blessing is a uniquely curated ceremony to bless the beautiful mother-to-be. Here is a guide to some key elements we have used in ours.